Christina Lissmann

Christina Lissmann is a German PhD philosopher and artist.

At the age of 18 Christina Lissmann became a freelancer for the West German Broadcasting Corporation on the WDR talk show "Is was !?" and discussed environmental issues live with politicians. (NDR), Kulturszene (WDR television), book journal (NDR) metropolis (arte) and the series “Philosophie heute” on WDR. She is the author of numerous artist portraits, documentaries, and film essays for ARD, NDR, DW and arte.

In Cologne and Vienna Lissmann studied medicine, philosophy, art history and ethnology and received her doctorate with a thesis on Friedrich Nietzsche; her doctoral supervisor was the Austrian philosopher and psychoanalyst Prof. Kurt Rudolf Fischer.

She came to the fine arts through the painter Sigmar Polke. For many years she worked as an assistant in his Cologne studio.

As a freelance curator, she organized international exhibitions for the Museum Ludwig Cologne, among others.

Lissmann’s artistic work is located at the interfaces between art and science, the real and the virtual. She realizes photo and video projects and room installations in private and public spaces.

1000x1000 Lissmann



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Series: Pearls & Bones

Terra Incognita

A video of the breathtakingly large painting at our Palm Desert gallery.


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Statement on Artist

"Thoughts Beyond Words"

“Finally painting that thinks,” Samuel Beckett said in view of Bram van Velde's. I feel this way looking at Christina Lissmann's paintings, which she calls “Pearls & Bones”. Exactly that and everything else is clearly visible here, speaking for itself, without illustration. Despite the obviousness of their allusions, the lines and forms remain autonomous, reveal themselves as such, undermining the references they suggest and thus remain intangible. They keep their secret, but without withdrawing into superficial non-figurations. On the contrary, they offer an amazing variety of things to see:

Self-enlightening deep-sea thought flows, neurolinks, synapse constellations, insights and their interruptions, ambiguities, aporias and other figures of thought, Sa Gojos and other Manga beings, archetypes, prototypes and other structures, secret gardens, micro-macro- and other worlds, insights, overviews and different looks, solitudes, seductions, liberations and other moods, voices beyond words - visual poems touching the unspeakable.

With words you only tell yourself. Christina Lissmann's paintings are turned towards the “other”, following the advice of Pier Paolo Pasolini, who replied to Ludwig Wittgenstein's famous dictum - “What one cannot talk about, one must be silent about” - with the words: "What one cannot talk about, one should write a poem about".

But look for (maybe not only) yourself.

Wilfried Dickhoff | Berlin, December 29, 2021

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Christina Lissmann is an international multimedia artist, filmmaker and painter working and living in Cologne, Germany. Her artistic work is situated at the interface between art, science, and philosophy. Her work reflects the current discourse of social tensions and the related questions about the survival of human conditions in the age of CRISPR gene editing, transhumanism, AI and virtual reality. As a student of Sigmar Polke, she worked for seven years as his assistant in his studio, studied philosophy, art history and ethnology at the University of Cologne and worked for public broadcasting as an author and director of documentaries on art and philosophy. And now Christina Lissmann has finally returned to painting in order to find an artistic expression concerning the contradictions of today’s society, thinking and the fragility of beauty.

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