jd hansen

American-born sculptor jd hansen lives and works in the United States. Hansen’s work explores the juxtaposition of vulnerability and strength using the human and animal form. Her work excavates the intricacies of human psychology, non-verbal communication and theories of quantum physics through elongated figures, subtle use of body language, and most recently, the addition of welded copper handwriting to her work. The inclusion of copper handwriting in jd’s art adds conceptual depth and meaning to the solidity of the bronze. The handwriting flows around the sculptures like nebulous thoughts caught in a moment in time, and the blankets of type conjoin with the bronze forms to become an integral part of the overall form. The combination of singular bronze forms and flowing blankets of type is meant to reconstruct the way communication happens…not by specific words, but by small gestures, by sounds and cadence, and by an aura of emotion and intellect that all mesh together to create the whole.

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jd Hansen

Opening Reception Palm Springs

Thursday, February 8 2024    5 - 7 

jd will be present from 5-7 pm. Doors open from 5 - 9 pm.

Due to Village Fest, there are some road closures. We have put together a map with driving instructions and parking opportunities here: DOWNLOAD MAP

You can use the valet parking of the Kimpton Hotel "The Rowan."

Please fill out the form below to receive an email reminder on the day of the event and to sign up for future invitations.

Hansen Installation PS


Artist Statment

"The subleties of slights and pains. It’s not the big events that hurt the most, but rather the smallest, questionable shift in tone at the end of a spoken word that can plow most deeply into the heart.”

As I read this passage by Steve Martin, it struck me as the definition of my work. I work on a sculpture with a strong concept in mind; I try to capture the bare essence of a human experiencing the moment she is in at that time. A certain tilt to the head or drop of the shoulder reveals if the subject is at peace or in turmoil. I strive to cover the gamut of human existence in a snippet of space and time.

The work doesn’t scream to get its message across. It is a hand placed lightly on the shoulder, giving a gentle nudge to invite the viewer to see. It is with a calm and settled mind that the viewer can hear the haunting melodies. These undercurrents of darkness are visible beneath the aesthetically approachable exteriors; the smooth texture giving way to the melted roughness, the dignified posture giving way to a mournful turn; the warm bronze hue giving way to the cold, resistant tension of bronze.

My influences are widespread, but I am deeply inspired by musicians and songwriters. There is always music playing in my studio, and some of those songs have turned into sculptures. Listening to “Sweet Dreams” by Marilyn Manson, or “Grey Street” by Dave Matthews prods me to push the work to another level, coax the darkness out of the light, and expose a private thought betrayed by body language. It doesn’t have to be pretty, but it has to be true.

-jd hansen


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Video of  "Valley of the Sunrise" in our Village Court Gallery.


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The Making of a Sculpture


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Post-war Dance with Cheryl Ekstrom and jd Hansen





more about this artist


Sculptor jd hansen’s work reflects the subtleties of emotional circumstance moment by moment. Whether reflecting tension, conflict, peace, or joy through the smallest tilt of the head of position of an arm, she constructs exquisite portraits of the human condition in her own unique voice. The voice comes across in aesthetically approachable exteriors where smooth textures give way to melted roughness and dignified postures warp into emotional curves. The warm bronze becomes a vehicle for intense and complex psychological permutations, acting themselves out within the classic medium.

jd Hansen has gained considerable recognition over the past few years with numerous articles in national publications as well as gallery representation across the United States. Her extraordinary work has put her into the spotlight and caught the attention of collectors worldwide. Just recently, two of her 10 foot sculptures were installed in Taiwan.

Hansen’s education includes a BFA from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California and hands on foundry training in bronze and metalworking. She has been included in many exhibitions throughout the United States. Her sculptures appear in various public and private collections including the Davis Brown Tower and World Food Museum in Des Moines, Iowa, Seven Bridges Foundation in Greenwich, Connecticut and a permanent installation at a five star Taiwanese resort.


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